3 Useful Pinterest Tools for Your Company’s Marketing Efforts

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Many brands tend to neglect Pinterest because they don’t have the skills to create appealing content on the platform. However, you don’t need to be a graphic designer or professional photographer to advertise on Pinterest with eye-catching content successfully — perhaps all you need are the right tools. 

Here’s what you need to know about the information and tools you need to boost your company’s marketing efforts on Pinterest.

What Is Pinterest?

Even though Pinterest isn’t as well-known as other platforms like Facebook and Instagram, it can still play a role within your brand’s marketing efforts — that is, if you know what it is. 

Pinterest is a social platform known as a “visual search engine” consisting of “pins” that include aesthetically appealing visual content. 

Users can search for pins based on their interests before saving relevant pins to their “boards.” Some of the most popular categories on Pinterest include home decor, fashion, crafting, and cooking. 

Why Should You Advertise on Pinterest?

Just because Pinterest isn’t as well-known as other platforms don’t mean that you should completely avoid it, in fact, it actually presents a great opportunity for brands to advertise in a less crowded space. As a result, you can save money on advertising bids and take advantage of your competition’s blindspots. 

Advertising on Pinterest is especially beneficial if you’re trying to reach Pinterest’s largest demographic groups. Women are extremely active on the platform — with more than 71% of users identifying as female. Young women are also more likely to use the platform — with 34% of the users between the ages of 18 and 29 and 35% of users between the ages of 35 and 49. 

Specifically, women of these ages with college degrees who earn more than $75,000 a year are more likely to use this platform. 

What Are the Different Ways to Advertise on Pinterest?

There are several different ways that you can advertise on Pinterest, including standard ads, video ads, shopping ads, carousel ads, and collection ads. 

Standard ads include vertical images, whereas video ads include short vertical videos. Shopping ads convert your product pins into ads, whereas collection ads incorporate multiple different products and formats into a single advertisement. 

Finally, carousel ads allow you to insert multiple images into a single ad. 

How Can You Effectively Advertise on Pinterest?

Pinterest is a unique platform that really prioritizes imagery and aesthetics. For this reason, you also need to prioritize these qualities for an effective Pinterest advertising strategy. But how can you do this? 

One of the best ways you can do this is to use the rule of thirds. This is a photography concept that breaks down the image into thirds, horizontally and vertically, for nine parts. 

You also need to pay close attention to the size and formatting used on the platform that almost entirely uses vertical image and video formats. 

3 Useful Pinterest Tools for Design and Marketing

Another way that you can effectively advertise on Pinterest is to utilize Pinterest tools. Pinterest Tools can help you take your Pinterest marketing game to the next level and stand out from the competition. 

The best Pinterest tools for design and marketing are Tailwind, Canva, and Piktochart. Here’s what you need to know about each one: 

1. Tailwind

Tailwind offers a few different features that make it an incredible tool for Pinterest marketing. For starters, it allows you to plan out and schedule your content in advance. This helps you create and manage an effective content strategy that’s tailored to your target audience. 

Tailwind also helps you create pins. For instance, you can create a pin based on an existing Instagram post. This is a great way to take advantage of the aesthetic nature of both of these applications. 

You can also use Tailwind’s browser extension to save different images online and create pins using these images — you can even use images directly from your own Shopify store. 

Finally, Tailwind offers analytics that can help you plan out the best possible schedule for your Pinterest content. Even though most of these analytics are found on Pinterest itself, accessing them from a single location when you’re scheduling content can be extremely helpful and convenient. 

Tailwind comes with a free 30-day trial for new users. After the trial period, subscription plans start at $15 a month, depending on how you pay and the features you’re willing to pay for. 

2. Canva

Unlike Tailwind, Canva helps you focus on the design aspects of Pinterest. This design software allows you to create visually appealing content without any design experience easily. While you can use Canva to design content for a whole host of different platforms and purposes, it actually comes with Pinterest Pin templates that you can use to quickly and effectively create eye-catching content. 

Each of these templates can be customized to your liking to fit your brand and your message. While it’s easy to adjust a template to meet your needs, you can also start from scratch if you’re looking for a completely unique and creative approach. There are countless features available within this tool that are waiting to be used and put on Pinterest. 

Canva’s basic features are free, but if you want more access to different images and assets, you can either choose to purchase them individually for one dollar each or upgrade your plan for $9.95 a month when billed annually. 

3. Piktochart

Piktochart is actually quite similar to Canva, but with one key difference — instead of focusing on images, Piktochart focuses on infographics. Infographics are a great way to promote useful information on Pinterest. This information could be related to anything from your brand to your products to your industry. 

Piktochart has countless infographic templates to choose from that you can then customize to your liking. You can customize fonts, color schemes, etc., to get your ideal final product. You can also insert charts and graphs to show your point better. 

Piktochart’s basic features are free but upgrading to a paid plan might be worth it if you’re interested in taking advantage of all this tool has to offer. For instance, the free plan includes access to six templates, whereas the Lite plan, which costs $.2.50 a month, includes 600 templates. 

If you want even more features, the Pro plan costs $24.17 a month and includes access to HD image exports, watermark removal, and custom color schemes for your brand. 

Wrap Up on Pinterest Marketing

While tools and best practices can go a long way towards effective marketing on Pinterest, sometimes it helps to outsource these areas to the experts. Instead of spending money on different tools before then spending your valuable time utilizing them, why not work with an experienced Pinterest marketing expert instead? 

Greg Gillman specializes in social media optimization practices that can help drive your brand’s success on this valuable platform. His efforts and expertise have helped his clients generate $4 billion in revenue — and he can help your brand too. 

Reach out today to initiate a conversation and find out how. 


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