Digital Sales Marketing: 10 Things to Know

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Figuring out the complex world of digital sales marketing can be difficult on your own. Thankfully, Greg Gillman is here to help with ten things you need to know about digital sales marketing that you can use to get your first sale in no time. 

1. You Need to Know Your Business

The first thing you need to know about digital sales marketing relates to your business. This is because your business will guide your entire approach to digital marketing. For instance, a business that’s just starting out will need a different digital marketing strategy than a more established business. 

Think about your weaknesses and how you can use digital marketing to improve them. 

Then, Think about your strengths and how you can use them within your digital marketing strategy. 

Finally, think about your digital marketing goals. 

Your strategy will differ depending on if you’re trying to build brand awareness, boost website traffic, or drive conversions. 

2. You Need to Know Your Customers

Now that you better understand your business, you need to understand your customers better to employ digital sales marketing successfully. First off, who are your customers? What are they looking for? What do they care about? 

All of these are components within a customer persona that should be developed to help you market to your target customer. These components can be determined thanks to market research that you can then use to guide your digital marketing strategy based on what your customers want and need from you. 

3. You Need a Website

The next thing you need to work on is your website now that you have a solid understanding of both your business and your customers. In the 21st century, a website is the foundation of any successful business. A website allows customers to learn more about your business and your products easily. 

For this reason, you need to begin by building an “about” section for your business where you talk about who you are, where you came from, why you do what you do, and where you hope to be in the future. 

You can then add your products to your website with high-quality photos and detailed descriptions. 

4. You Need to Use Social Media

In addition to a business website, you also need business social media profiles. That being said, the specific social media platforms you need to be on will vary depending on your business and your customers. The best platforms to start with are the “big three” of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. 

From there, you can expand to other platforms based on your target customer. For example, if your target customers are younger (Millennials or Generation Z), you also need to be on their preferred platforms of Snapchat, TikTok, and YouTube. 

5. You Need to Use SEO

Social media isn’t enough these days — you also need to invest in search engine optimization or SEO. SEO can help drive organic traffic to your website that feels more authentic than paid, inorganic advertising. Furthermore, consumers trust search engines like Google, so they’re likely to trust you by association if you rank #1 on the platform. 

You need to do keyword research to figure out what your customers are searching for and where you need to rank. From there, you can start building your SEO strategy by using backlinks, on-page content, and optimized formatting. 

6. You Need Branded Content

Branded content isn’t just essential for SEO — it’s also essential for your social media presence. However, it’s something that a lot of brands struggle with since it’s a relatively new area. 

There are several different formats of branded content depending on your overall digital marketing strategy, including:

  • On-page website content through a business blog that’s relevant to your industry, brand, and customers
  • Engaging social media content with photos, videos, contests, and more 
  • Influencer content that allows you to take advantage of established influencer networks of reputable individuals within your industry
  • Video content on YouTube that provides viewers with more in-depth information about your business, including behind-the-scenes tours, how-tos, expert interviews, etc. 

7. You Need to Listen to Your Customers

Even if you know your customers, you still need to listen to them. The good news is that you can easily collect customer feedback that you can then use to guide your digital marketing strategy. 

For instance, you can take polls on social media to figure out what your followers want from you. You can also send customer surveys to gather information after they make a purchase. 

Offering small incentives always makes it easier to gather valuable feedback. 

8. You Need to Use Data

Once you have collected data from your customers, you need to use it effectively. However, data from customers isn’t all that you need to use. In fact, you also need to gather and use data from your paid advertising campaigns — social media and otherwise. Doing so can help you avoid wasting money on ineffective campaigns. 

Specifically, you need to track key performance indicators (KPIs) like customer acquisition cost (CAC), click-through rate (CTR), return on ad spend (ROAS), return on investment (ROI), impressions, and conversion rates. 

If any of these KPIs are underperforming, you need to take action to get your campaign back on track. 

9. You Need to Be Patient

At the same time, it’s important not to be too reactive when it comes to digital sales marketing and make unnecessary adjustments right away. Instead, you need to give the campaign time to work. Being patient can be hard when your money and business are at stake, but it’s something that you’ll need to learn how to do. 

For this reason, it’s a good idea to set specific thresholds at the beginning of your campaign. That way, if your campaign doesn’t meet a specific KPI within a set amount of time, you will feel comfortable taking action knowing that you’re not being too reactionary. 

10. You Need to Work With Experts

That being said, it can be hard to set these thresholds on your own — especially if you’re new to digital marketing. In this case, it might be beneficial for you to work with experienced marketing experts that will help you develop effective campaigns and then monitor them for success. 

If you’re looking for a marketing expert, look no further than Greg Gillman. Greg Gillman specializes in omnichannel marketing for D2C brands. He has helped his clients generate $2 billion in sales thanks to his efforts — and he can help you achieve the same level of success. 

Even though his clients include some big names like Adidas, Petco, and Ring, he also knows what it’s like to be a small business trying to get off the ground — so he’s the perfect person to help you with digital marketing. 

Wrap Up on Digital Sales Marketing

And there you have it — 10 things you need to know about digital sales marketing. However, actually implementing these tips can be difficult to manage on your own. 

With the right amount of research, patience, and expertise, you can develop a successful digital marketing strategy. For the best digital marketing experts around, be sure to reach out to Greg Gillman for tailored advice and guidance. 


How to Create Actionable Customer Personas | Forbes

Marketer’s Guide to Social Media | Business News Daily

How to Establish a Viable Long-Term SEO Strategy | Entrepreneur

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