3 Common Myths In Organic Growth Marketing

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When it comes to marketing, everyone automatically assumes that paid social media marketing reigns supreme. But is that really the case? 

As it turns out, organic growth marketing can be a valuable approach for any business looking to boost levels of authentic engagement. Read on to learn more about organic growth marketing and how this strategy can benefit your business. 

What Is Organic Growth Marketing?

Organic growth marketing refers to growing your business through “natural” methods that tend to develop over time. This is in contrast to inorganic marketing that is considered “artificial” through paid advertising or partnerships. 

Here are some examples of each to see what they look like in practice:

  • Organic growth marketing includes things like search engine optimization (SEO), brand awareness, and customer education.

  • Inorganic growth marketing includes things like paid social media ads, social media post boosts, and influencer partnerships.

When done right, organic growth marketing can be extremely effective – but it won’t happen overnight. 

With the right amount of patience and diligence, you can grow your business organically and boost more than just sales – improving your reputation, engagement, and customer loyalty in the process.

What Are the Common Myths Surrounding Organic Growth Marketing?

Now that you have a better idea of what organic growth marketing really is, it’s time to break down some of the myths that you may have heard about this concept in the past. Organic growth marketing has long played second fiddle to inorganic growth marketing, but we believe that every company should invest in both aspects for the best possible results.

Here are three of the most common myths surrounding organic growth marketing and why they’re simply incorrect.

Myth 1: Organic Growth Marketing Won’t Cost You Money

The first myth surrounding organic growth marketing is that it won’t cost you any money – in contrast to inorganic growth marketing that does cost money. In reality, even though you aren’t directly paying for advertising within organic growth marketing, that doesn’t mean you aren’t investing money elsewhere.

Instead, organic vs. inorganic simply refers to how you’re reaching your potential customers. Within organic growth, you’re organically reaching customers who are actively seeking information about your brand or products. 

On the other hand, within inorganic growth, people aren’t searching for anything related to your brand or products. They are instead targeted with an advertisement that may be seen as either annoying or irrelevant.

So while you may not pay for things like direct advertisements or affiliate marketing within organic growth marketing, you’re investing in other areas. For example, you’re investing in SEO strategies to help your brand rank higher on Google to make it easier for people to find. Other examples involve developing your website, starting a blog, completing your Google business profile, and adding products to Google Shopping. 

While these tasks may not cost you money directly or up-front, you still need to invest time and resources into these tasks.

Myth 2: Marketing for Organic Growth Only Works for Small Budgets

The second myth surrounding organic growth marketing is that it’s only necessary for smaller budgets who cannot afford to invest in inorganic growth marketing strategies. Instead, organic and inorganic growth marketing strategies should be used in concert – no matter your budget!

People falsely assume that since you’re paying for inorganic growth, it’s automatically better than organic growth. However, it’s not necessary to pit these two complementary concepts against each other.

Instead, you should develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that includes both organic growth and inorganic growth to cover all of your bases and reach the most people with the right kinds of content.

Myth 3: Organic Growth Only Works for Large Companies

The third myth surrounding organic growth marketing is that smaller businesses cannot easily achieve high amounts of organic growth – that this is an achievement only possible for larger companies. In reality, organic growth can be achieved by small businesses that are dedicated to investing in this area to benefit the business.

While smaller businesses will need to be smarter with their investments, it’s possible to spend a small amount of money but have a big impact.

Working with the right marketing experts is the best way to get the most bang for your buck in terms of organic growth marketing spend.

What Are the Benefits of Organic Growth Marketing?

With all this in mind, let’s discuss the value of organic growth marketing without your business:

Audience Building

Organic growth marketing allows you to build a more authentic audience that is more engaged with your business. You can easily measure your levels of engagement and organic marketing results through social media insights and other metrics. 

Reaching Diverse Audiences

Organic growth marketing allows you to reach a more unique and diverse group of people than you would otherwise reach through inorganic marketing. This is because inorganic marketing focuses on targeting through demographic factors, interests, location, etc. 

And while targeting definitely isn’t a bad thing, having an organic audience will provide you better insight into who is interested in your products and businesses to target better when it comes to inorganic marketing tactics. 

Build Meaningful Relationships

Organic growth marketing allows you to build meaningful and sustainable relationships with your audience. While you may be able to pay for ads, you cannot pay for relationships. That can only be earned through organic marketing strategies that take a slow and steady approach to growth and engagement. 

Gain Industry Authority

Organic growth marketing allows you to become a leader in your field by informing your audience about your field. When you create an informational blog, it’s a win-win scenario: your customers gain valuable information while you gain more web traffic. 

How Can You Implement Organic Growth Marketing?

Organic growth marketing is worth the investment. Here are some of the steps you can take to do just that:

Build Your Content

Build the content on your website by creating relevant blog posts. Make sure to include both internal and external links for the best results. Include a variety of different content formats, including videos, infographics, and downloadables. 

Embrace SEO

Embrace search engine optimization strategies to rank higher on Google and reach more people organically as a result. This involves knowing your relevant keywords, developing a user-friendly website, optimizing your website for mobile use, improving your website speed, and using metadata within your web pages. 

Use Social Media

Work on your organic social media reach to better engage with customers. Not all social media marketing has to be paid! Instead, you can post quality content for your existing audience to see in hopes that they will then share that content with others. 

Engage With Your Audience

One of the best ways to organically promote your content is to host sweepstakes or giveaways. All you need to do is offer a simple incentive — it doesn’t have to be anything too extravagant — in exchange for someone sharing a post. 

As a result, you have increased organic engagement and gained more potential customers that will be well worth the cost of the freebie you’re giving away. 

Work With Experienced Marketers

Work with marketing experts like Greg Gillman to maximize the return on your investment. Greg Gillman has helped his clients generate almost $4 billion in annual revenue due to his expertise. 

Final Thoughts

Both organic growth marketing and inorganic growth marketing have a role within the marketing sphere. Many people falsely assume that organic growth marketing is inferior and isn’t worth your investment.

But with the right strategy, expertise, and patience, organic growth marketing can be extremely worthwhile for any growing business. 


What Makes Customer Loyalty Important? | Business.com

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